Thursday 25 November 2010

Mouse Caught, DEAD, 25th November 2010

Latest images of a dead mouse.

I modified the contrast and brightness of these pictures to hopefully produce a more graphic effect. Regarding email discussions I had with Coventry Council and my Landlord in September; Coventry Council and my Landlord were useless at trying to tackle this problem, they kept insisting on putting poison down in my Flat but I refused the poison because it is pointless to treat only my Flat when there are many other Flats surrounding my Flat. My Flat is NOT the source of the mice, furthermore for health and environmental reasons I much prefer mouse-traps to using poison.

I eventually complained to the Housing Ombudsman about my landlord's inability to deal with the problem. My landlord finally wrote me a letter dated 14th October, prompted by my Ombudsman complaint, about the mouse problem, in which my landlord acknowledged I can deal effectively with the mouse problem in my Flat but that other Flats will be contacted to see if they need help addressing issues with mice. Other tenants were requested to contact the Landlord by 22nd October so that appropriate action could be taken.

Honestly I can easily deal with mice when they come into my Flat. I always trap them and they never eat my food, the problem is that other Flats cannot deal with the mice therefore occasionally when the mice breed in large numbers they stray into my Flat. Perhaps I will post on this blog at a later date some of the emails I sent to my Landlord and the Council in September trying to make them see sense. It is a useless situation trying to get my Landlord or the Council to deal with this mouse problem. Thankfully I can trap the mice competently so I suppose things aren't too bad, but it's a bit of a hassle always needing to have traps set and then disposing of dead mice when I catch them.       

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