Saturday, 28 August 2010

Dead Mouse. Caught - 19th May 2010

To fair, regarding Whitefriars, I should point out that on one occasion in three years Whitefriars did arrange for council pest control to put down poisoned bait in all the homes.


I wish to remain anonymous in these posts because I value my privacy. I also don't want to give my home a bad name because I enjoy living in my home despite the mouse infestation, so I will not specifically mention the exact location of my home. I live in a tower block in Coventry, West Midlands, UK. There are more than five floors in my home; the mice are throughout the building going up to the top floor. The infestation is widespread throughout the building. Thankfully I am only catching one mouse every three months approximately, so the issue is not too extreme in my home. I use traps instead of poison because I worry about inadvertent poisoning of pets or myself. Traps are also better for the environment because they are chemical-free. I should also add that poisoned mice can easily die in inaccessible areas (behind wall-cavities etc) thereby causing a smell of decay, whereas with traps the mouse always dies in the trap thus it is easy to remove the dead mouse.

The death of mice in these traps is very quick: when a trap catches a mouse the mouse is usually dead within 20 seconds. Last night (August 27th 2010) I heard a trap snap... I rushed to investigate and the mouse was already dead when I got to the trap. It was a young mouse so it seems they are breeding prolifically.

Here are some photos of a dead mouse caught on 19th May 2010:

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