Tuesday 7 December 2010

Landlord Threats:

Here is a copy of an email I am about to send to my Landlord:

Dear **** ****

Today (7th December 2010) I received your hand-delivered letter (dated 6th December) regarding a request to enter my Flat regarding mice problems. This is the first letter I have received from you regarding access to my Flat in relation to the mouse problem.

Previously I have complained about the incompetence of Whitefriars regarding your inability to deal with the mouse problem. See Ombudsman complaint ref ********** regarding a letter, which ******** ****** sent to me dated 14th October, in which she acknowledges how I am already effectively dealing with the mouse problem in my own Flat.

The problem is regarding other Flats, which ******** ****** acknowledges in her letter. As a result of my complaint I assume this is the reason why you are now wanting to treat over 50 Flats in **********. My Flat however continues to be mouse-free because I effectively trap the mice using mouse-traps.

I am more than willing you allow Whitefiars employees access to my property if you give prior notice, but it's worrying that your previous attempts to give notice have not been received and you are now threatening legal action to gain entry.

I suggest that rather than having letters hand-delivered you should use Royal Mail and then you can be sure your letter has actually been delivered. I suspect what has happened in this case is that the ******** **** have not delivered previous letters (about mice inspections) because they know I am already effectively dealing with the mouse problem. Whenever I catch a mouse I contact the ******** **** and ask them to log (in the log book) the dead mouse and they then remove the dead mouse.

I need no help treating mice in my Flat but you are welcome to inspect my Flat on the date you suggest (*****************). Sometimes I do not hear people knocking at my door so please knock loudly if I fail to answer. Please do not attempt to break my door down.

Please also refrain from making threats about taking legal action to enter my property or threats about being charged with court costs. Your threats are very distressing indeed, and I do want to receive such threatening letters again. You state you have sent me two letters within the last month but I assure you these letters have not been delivered into my letterbox. When making threats you should ensure your facts are correct. I am perfectly willing to allow you access to my Flat therefore there is no need to make threats. Your threats have a negative impact upon my health due to the stress your threats induce.

You may also find my blog interesting regarding the mouse problem. On the blog you will see the dead mice I have caught. I will also post to my blog an edited version of this email.




My landlord has stated the delivery of the letter demanding access was a mistake and the other two letters, which I never replied to, were never actually delivered. My landlord has however stated access may be required in the future regarding the mice, which is mystifying because I cannot understand how my landlord can improve upon my already excellent mouse-elimination-skills.
